Photo of Yuichiro Minamikawa

Yuichiro Minamikawa

Bio Engineering: President

Hey everyone! I'm Yuichiro (or Yui), a 3rd Year MBE and your current Academic and Technical Events Coordinator. You've probably seen me UTAing or wandering around RSM with a huge bass guitar.

I'm running for President because I want to strengthen connections within BioEng - between students, staff, alumni and industry - while making the society more social and exciting. University is all about building meaningful connections and expanding your network (this is how you get a job), so I want BioEng Soc to make the most out of our extensive network.

If elected, I will:

  • 🤝 Host regular student-alumni and industry networking events for mentorship & career opportunities
  • 🎉 Expand socials, career events & collaborations with other societies in Imperial and London
  • 💰 Secure more sponsorships earlier on in the summer for bigger & better events
  • 🏫 Improve student-staff relations for a better academic experience
  • 📢 Enhance social media outreach & introduce more BioEng merch to keep the departmental spirit

Since first year, BioEng Soc has given me so many opportunities and friendships and I want every student to experience the same. I genuinely enjoy helping people (I love UTAing) and I know I'll enjoy this role.

With my organization, passion and experience in BioEng Soc and union, I'll ensure BioEng Soc is more connected, sponsored and engaging than ever.

I'm excited to connect the BioEng community and I'd really appreciate your support.

Vote Yui!