Deputy President (Education)


Emina Hogas

Hi hi! I’m Emina, your current Deputy President Education 🎃 My time as a Life Sciences undergrad and Bioengineering post-grad compelled me into wanting to right every academic wrong that Imperial has to offer and ensure that students feel included in shaping their academic (and otherwise!) experience. While I may not fix every issue in a year (I wish), I’ve already made great progress—and I’ ...

Shama Sasikumar

Hello, I’m Shama. I’m currently in my final year of Biological Sciences, but I was hoping I could be your DPE next year! Having done a fair bit of legwork during my time here, I know there are ways our academic lives can be made easier. Having spent the summer holidays and autumn term with the ED-TECH team at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, I was behind the scenes; seeing how infrastructure such as Bl ...