Photo of Emina Hogas

Emina Hogas

Deputy President (Education)

Hi hi! I’m Emina, your current Deputy President Education 🎃

My time as a Life Sciences undergrad and Bioengineering post-grad compelled me into wanting to right every academic wrong that Imperial has to offer and ensure that students feel included in shaping their academic (and otherwise!) experience. While I may not fix every issue in a year (I wish), I’ve already made great progress—and I’m not done yet!

What I’ve Achieved

Assessment & Feedback – Coordinated faculty-level workload reviews with students.

Mitigating Circumstances – Kicked-off a policy review which will inform the development of a centralised digital platform.

Rep CommunicationRegular check-ins with Faculty/DepReps + Faculty-supported Rep socials.

⁌ ICU Transparency & Accessibility – multi-lingual 'About us' ICU page + weekly drop-ins so you can raise concerns and hold us accountable.

What’s Next?

Reframe Personal Tutoring – Push for career-focused tutoring and clearer expectations around PT mentorship.

Sustainability in Education – Advocate for degrees to educate students on how their degrees feed into a fast-changing world.

AI Literacy – Courses that encourage realistic and safe use of gen-AI in learning as well as clear guidelines.

Student SpacesContinue to lobby for study/social spaces across campuses as part of White City and South Ken development plans.

Shifting PG engagement culture – early engagement of PG community + improving supervision quality.

Read more about what I've got cooking at @emina4dpe 🎃 Vote DPEmina to see change happen!