Hello everyone! My name is Arjun and I am running for Vice President of Education at RCSU. Without any further ado, I'm excited to show you what the year ahead would have in store if I'm elected as RCSU Vice President of Education. My Ideas: Streamlining of UROP opportunities across all departments through a portal, and increased term-time research opportunities Improve the ePortfolio for LifeSciences students ...
Hi! I’m Jacob, a second-year biologist, and I would be excited to be part of the RCSU committee next year. Through my experience as a year representative and my current role as departmental academic representative, I’ve learned how to effectively liaise with both students and staff within my department, faculty, and college. I’d love the opportunity to continue this work as part of the RCSU. I wou ...
Hi everyone, I’m Fatiha, a third-year Physics student with a strong passion for student voice and academic representation. Having previously served as an academic year representative for physics, I have firsthand experience in addressing student concerns and working towards meaningful change. As Vice President of Education, my goal is to ensure every student’s voice is heard and acted upon. I will work ...