Photo of Jacob Eyre

Jacob Eyre

RCSU: Vice President (Education)


I’m Jacob, a second-year biologist, and I would be excited to be part of the RCSU committee next year. Through my experience as a year representative and my current role as departmental academic representative, I’ve learned how to effectively liaise with both students and staff within my department, faculty, and college. I’d love the opportunity to continue this work as part of the RCSU.

I would like to leverage my experience and focus on the following areas:

  • Assessment and Feedback: This issue consistently appears in the NSS, and I’d like to continue collaborating with departments to review it, aligning with college initiatives to reduce workload and considering recent curriculum reviews.
  • Mitcircs: There’s significant variation in how Mitcircs are submitted across the faculty. I want to share best practices and work towards a standardized, college-supported system.
  • Connecting with Reps: I aim to build on the current VPE and DPE's work in improving connectivity within the representation network, from the DPE to year reps.
  • Postgraduate Representation: There’s a lack of representation for PGs, and I want to promote these roles to prospective PGs in their third or fourth year.
  • RCSA Partnership: I’d like to make the most of our alumni partner organization to enhance networking and career opportunities.

Thank you for reading! Maybe you could even vote for me (or at least rank me second) 😉