Hello, fellow first years!
I'm Nabel and I'm not going to waffle on about false promises, so I'll cut to the point with what I plan to do for now as the bridge between faculty and students.
- Push faculty to make clearer distinctions on lecture slides on what knowledge is necessary and what is not.
- I'll be transparent towards lecturers with the issues that students are facing academically and any beef your having with them
- Utilise anonymous polls and surveys regularly to gain student feedback on sections of the course or particular sessions discuss that with lecturers.
- Push for more short mocks/quizzes, and then go over those in our tutor groups to help consolidate our application of the content.
- I'll always be open for messages from you guys considering academic concerns.
Some of my more recent experience working in simmilar roles was being a praefect and a vice president to a few societies during my time in college, so I am very familliar with some of the tedious background processes that come along with these responsibilities.
This first year of medicine is going to feel overwhelming at times, so I look forward to having a collaborative community with everyone as we are stuck with each other for the next six years.
Vote for Nabel !!!