Photo of Angela Song

Angela Song

FemTech: Sponsorship Officer

Hi all,

My name is Angela Song, and I am a second-year biotech student. I am running for the position of sponsorship officer for FemTech. I am committed to our mission of advancing female healthcare and making a positive impact on the lives of women worldwide. If elected, I aim to accomplish the following:

  1. Establish partnerships with healthcare institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and tech firms that share FemTech’s vision. These partnerships will not only provide financial support but also enable us to organize workshops and seminars aimed at furthering our cause.
  2. Collaborate with our sponsors to create opportunities for internships, mentorship, and career development foro ur members.
  3. Work closely with the treasurer on financial planning to ensure we have sufficient funds to execute the educational, as well as social events the members desire.

Thank you for reading my manifesto, and I would be honored to be given the opportunity to enrich your experience within FemTech :)