Photo of Shweta Bhaskar

Shweta Bhaskar

Paediatrics: Community & Outreach Chair

Hi I’m Shweta and I’m a third year medical student. I have always had an interest in paediatrics, and this year I had the opportunity to help organise the annual paediatrics conference as part of the subcommittee. My experiences working towards the conference helped further my passion for paediatrics and I would love the chance to be able to be a part of committee this year as one of the community and outreach chairs. I have a wide skillset that has been developed through numerous past roles, including being events officer of HinduSoc this year, a role which required me to lead and organise several large events, including events in collaboration with other societies and universities. Through these experiences I have strengthened my communication skills, both in terms of working closely with other members of a team but also in terms of liaising with external societies and companies, which is a skill greatly applicable to this role. I understand the importance expanding the society’s impact via volunteering and working with local organisations to help spotlight paediatrics as a specialty, especially considering early years of medical school get limited exposure to the specialty, and I believe with my past experiences I will be able to foster good relationships with various organisations to help promote the society beyond clinical settings.