Photo of Janushana Sutharsan

Janushana Sutharsan

Paediatrics: Community & Outreach Chair

I am Janushana Sutharsan, a third-year medical student, and I am standing for position of Community & Outreach Officer for Paediatrics Society. As a frequent Teddy Bear and Play Team volunteer, I enjoy interacting with and teaching younger children about their health and am enthusiastic to contribute to this society.

Currently, I am Publicity Officer for both LMAP Society and Paediatrics Society and I am also the Secretary for ICSM Teddy Bear Hospital. This has taught me how to handle different roles and organise my time effectively. I also volunteered with Play Team this year and even stepped up to be Play Team Leader when asked to support the group. I have been involved in mentoring with Pathway to Med and in the Global Summer School, helping sixth form students with various parts of their application process.

As Community and Outreach Officer, I hope to introduce speaker series where health care professionals of the multidisciplinary team can give talks about their roles and responsibilities to sixth form students. This will help prospective medics understand the roles within the MDT and how they work together in various scenarios. For events on the process of medical applications, we can collaborate with other societies that offer this to the sixth form students. Another thing, we can introduce buddy schemes where sixth form students can pair up with medical students who can offer advice and guidance on the medical school application process.