Photo of Ivana Kolundzic

Ivana Kolundzic

Paediatrics: Community & Outreach Chair

Hi, I'm Ivana and I'm running to be Community & Outreach Chair next year!

Since I was at school, I have felt fulfilled by volunteering and working with others, especially young people. I would love to become your next Community & Outreach Chair to create these volunteering opportunities for others.

Having been the Community & Outreach Vice Chair under Alexandra's leadership for the past year, I have thoroughly enjoyed this position and I would love to develop our work further. This experience has developed my communication and time management skills, which has resulted in us establishing several connections with schools and charities to discuss what we can do for them. It has also taught me the value of discipline and persistence in achieving long-term goals, which will be necessary to bring regular volunteering opportunities to life for our members next year.

My aims:

  • Organise regular secondary school visits for members to give talks to students about our experiences applying for university and being at medical school;
  • Establish the MDT panel for sixth-form students in April as an annual event that our members can volunteer for;
  • Recruit a subcommittee to directly involve society members in the creation of volunteering events, foster close relationships with our external contacts and gain committee experience.

I hope to achieve these goals with Eric Albinyana, who would be the Vice Chair.

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto – vote Ivana for Community & Outreach Chair!