Photo of Aidan Birdi

Aidan Birdi

Infectious Diseases Society: Secretary

Hi I’m Aidan – a third year medic.

I’ve been involved in IDSoc for three years, and been on the committee for two years (as Public Health Officer and Publicity Officer), so I have an excellent understanding of what makes IDSoc so amazing and how we can build from where we are.

I want to continue our track record of hosting conferences, charity events, lectures and teaching. From the national SfGH conference in 2021, the AMR campaign in 2022, our fun-runs (to name a select few!) – and I’m really excited for our inaugural ImmunoXIDSoc conference which is going to be amazing!

My primary goals as secretary would be to:

  • Organise amazing events and public health campaigns!
  • Keep members informed of opportunities related to infectious diseases and allied fields through our newsletter.
  • Play pivotal roles in the organisation and logistics of IDSoc events.
  • Work closely with the rest of the committee and members to provide excellent events and opportunities!
  • Push to increase the variety of our events and the types of events that we offer to our members – more socials!
  • Increase the wider appeal of our society to attract new members.