Infectious Diseases Society: Secretary


Aidan Birdi

Hi I’m Aidan – a third year medic. I’ve been involved in IDSoc for three years, and been on the committee for two years (as Public Health Officer and Publicity Officer), so I have an excellent understanding of what makes IDSoc so amazing and how we can build from where we are. I want to continue our track record of hosting conferences, charity events, lectures and teaching. From the national SfGH ...

Chloe Guo

Hi, everyone! I'm Chloe, a second-year biological sciences student fascinated by infectious diseases. I'm running for the secretary of the Infectious Disease Society because COVID-19 was why I chose to step into the field of life sciences. I realised that all humans have a common future because we share the same genetic characteristics. For me, Biology is a universal language used to translate the world, covering eve ...