Infectious Diseases Society: Chair


Jessica Glenn

When saying the words 'infectious disease', hazmat suits, isolation bubbles and undesired reminders of lockdown spring to mind. Since it is not as common a speciality, placement does not do much until later years to dissuade us from this. However, to me, ID is one of the most engaging aspects of medicine. Histories need to be all encompassing, with even the most minor of details potentially having massive impact. I ...

Rohan Bhupal

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Aidan Birdi

Hi I’m Aidan – a third year medic. I’ve been involved in IDSoc for three years, and been on the committee for two years (as Public Health Officer and Publicity Officer), so I have an excellent understanding of what makes IDSoc so amazing and what it might take to lead it! My primary goals as chair would be to: Organise amazing events and public health campaigns! Maintain strong collaborative l ...

Mustafaa Khan

Hello! I'm Mustafaa and I'm a 2nd year medic who is passionate to take the role of Infectious Diseases chair. I aim to propel the society to new heights next year, My experience: Last year I held 6 different committee roles giving me great ability to time manage and coordinate with teams. As publicity officer of ID_Soc I have promoted our events especially the conference with immunology. I have also showcased ...