Photo of Gaya Giritharan

Gaya Giritharan

Society of Research and Academia: Young Researchers Conference Lead

Hi, I’m Gaya and I’m running to be your Young Researchers Conference Lead!

As someone who has a genuine interest in research, the opportunity to explore this field further and collaborate with individuals sharing the same passion is one of many reasons I wish to take on this role; moreover, the rewarding and fulfilling nature of it excites me.

Alongside YRC Subcommittee this year, I previously have had the opportunity to organise a conference as an MUN Committee member and engaged in tasks such as coordinating logistics, managing delegate registrations, and overseeing the smooth execution of the event. This experience not only honed my organisational skills but also instilled in me a deep appreciation for the meticulous planning and attention to detail required to host a successful conference. Additionally, through representing the UK in the International Science Association, I was able to further gain insight into the dynamics of international conferences and the importance of interdisciplinary communication. Proactiveness, teamworking and delegation are also skills I have consistently demonstrated through my leadership positions as county chess captain and orchestra manager of ICSM Music.

As YRC Lead, I will aim to:

  • Prioritise student engagement by understanding their interests (via surveys) regarding potential speakers/ workshops to better tailor the conference
  • Introduce interactive workshops/sessions to encourage active participation
  • Incorporate competitions
  • Create designated spaces/times for networking and discussions with speakers to facilitate meaningful interactions
  • Align various conference elements (e.g. location, advertising posters) with a chosen theme to create a cohesive & immersive experience for attendees.