Society of Research and Academia: Young Researchers Conference Lead


Gaya Giritharan

Hi, I’m Gaya and I’m running to be your Young Researchers Conference Lead! As someone who has a genuine interest in research, the opportunity to explore this field further and collaborate with individuals sharing the same passion is one of many reasons I wish to take on this role; moreover, the rewarding and fulfilling nature of it excites me. Alongside YRC Subcommittee this year, I previously have had ...

Yashwin Shyam

Hi everyone! Our names are Yashwin and Sudharshan, and we are 2nd year medical students running to become co-leads for the Young Researchers Conference. With a passion for interdisciplinary collaboration and the advancement of young researchers like ourselves, we are both committed to bringing the conference to new heights next year. We plan on implementing the following: Mini speed networking session to enable s ...

Marya Abuarqoub

Hello everyone! I’m Marya and I’ll be running to be your next Lead for YRC 2024! As an attendee to this year’s Young Researcher’s Conference 2023, my resolve to get involved in academic medicine was further strengthened and encouraged. This year, I aim to make YRC 2024 even more memorable as I plan on collaborating with new external bodies, invite new researches and organise more workshops t ...