Photo of Marya Abuarqoub

Marya Abuarqoub

Society of Research and Academia: Young Researchers Conference Lead

Hello everyone!

I’m Marya and I’ll be running to be your next Lead for YRC 2024!

As an attendee to this year’s Young Researcher’s Conference 2023, my resolve to get involved in academic medicine was further strengthened and encouraged. This year, I aim to make YRC 2024 even more memorable as I plan on collaborating with new external bodies, invite new researches and organise more workshops to suit a greater demographic of interests - please feel free to look at my suggestions on the attached pdf!

As a first year medical student, I was able to see how many other conferences are run (both at Imperial and externally) with a fresh set of eyes. In the past couple of years, I have also had the pleasure to host, chair and lead large scale conferences such as MUN and smaller projects and teaching series, all which have equipped me with the right skills to lead YRC 2024.

In my plan for YRC 2024 I aim to target:

  • The focus on netwroking and social media outreach
  • Implement more YRC Committe positions
  • Academic workshops and social building
  • Liasing and collaborating with external bodies and organisations
  • Recognition and sponsorship
  • Offering Research Opportunities

I am committed to ensuring that YRC 2024 leaves lasting impacts not only on our Imperial community but also on a national and international scale. I eagerly anticipate contributing to the cohesive efforts of the committee - a team dynamic I cannot wait to join!

I look forward to meeting you all!

Marya :)