Photo of Zhizhong Ren

Zhizhong Ren

Investment: Head of Portfolio Management

I’m deeply passionate about value investing. I have been a devotee of Warren Buffett, the godfather of value investing. Every day, the thing that excites me is consuming videos of Warren Buffett’s speeches at his annual meeting, stories about his investment career and audiobooks on his investment philosophy.

Through learning from Warren Buffett, I have developed a deep understanding of value investing. In addition, I regularly read financial news and equity research reports, and through these endeavours, I have learned what makes a company a great company to invest in.

I have almost all my savings in my portfolio of stocks, and I live frugally every day to put more in. I would personally invest in stock ideas that I suggest to our fund. Thus, my interest would be firmly aligned with our fund's interest, and I would work extra hard to ensure the idea would work out.

Based on what I have learned, I have a concrete strategy in mind for how to make our fund thrive. Here are the two most important points:

  1. Rather than a diversified portfolio, our fund should concentrate on very few good ideas that we are extremely confident will work out.
  2. Avoid paying too much for great companies, no matter how great a company is, its stock can be overpriced and this is usually the case, especially for great technology companies. Hence, we should always patiently wait for those companies' stock to go down significantly due to a short-term event and then invest.