Photo of Dinil Wanni Arachchige

Dinil Wanni Arachchige

Investment: Head of Portfolio Management

My name is Dinil, and I am one of the Sector Heads at QT Capital. Since joining ICU Investment Society I have thoroughly enjoyed attending the various events, workshops, and competitions. I have already aimed to contribute to this success by organising an M&A workshop later this month and participating in the stock pitch competitions held this year.

Consequently, as Head of Portfolio Management at ICU Investment Society I would like to build upon and strengthen our brand, events and education through the following:

  1. Equity Research Reports: In addition to the current stock pitches, I would like to publish bi-weekly equity research reports for our LinkedIn page. This has been done by other universities and will help build financial literacy among members.
  2. Fund Transparency: Along with the mail listing I will ensure that weekly updates on the QT Capital Fund and progress against the S&P is reported. This will encourage and promote the success of our fund.
  3. Speaker Sessions: I will bring in alumni and current portfolio managers, equity research analysts and experts to aid members on how to conduct research. This will be beneficial for interviews and the quality of research.
  4. Bloomberg Terminal Sessions: A key part of research is utilising Bloomberg Terminal effectively. I will organise sessions for junior analysts to get familiar with navigating the software.

Through these initiatives, our society will not only provide a platform for development and industry engagement but will also foster a collaborative, insightful, and forward-looking community.

Thanks for your consideration,
