Photo of Sebastian Stuart

Sebastian Stuart

Investment: Head of Buy-Side Corporate Relations (Duplicate)

Hello all!

My name is Sebastian and I’m a 2nd year Biochemist, I know reading through these manifestos can be awfully tiring and boring, so I’ll keep it short and sweet with what I intend to deliver to the society.

Throughout my time at Imperial, I’ve had the great pleasure of meeting some of the brightest and most inspirational people out there, particularly at the Investment society. I have always been very impressed and inspired by the commitment of the Investment society to deliver useful and helpful information to students and therefore have decide to run as head of buy side relations.

My objectives for this position are three-fold. Firstly, to maintain and grow our current relationships with buy side firms such as Point72 and Blackstone by organizing more informative Q&A style events as well as keeping the society up to date with new summer roles that PE firms are offering.

Secondly, to expand the society’s relations with new buy side firms as well as other finance related societies at Imperial. This would be by hosting more presentation style events with firms as well as co-hosting events with other societies which would provide a great opportunity to network and meet other like minded students.

Finally, I plan on making Investment soc more engaging and educational by organizing more workshop style events on topics like LBOs, the objective of this is not only to teach these skills but also to provide CV material, which we all know is extremely valuable.