Photo of Sophie Hoo

Sophie Hoo

Investment: Head of Buy-Side Corporate Relations (Duplicate)

Hi everyone! I'm Sophie, a second year Chemistry student.

One of the best things I’ve experienced from our society is the infinite opportunities to network and connect with both industry professionals and members of the society, including alumni working in buy-side firms. As such, I strive to further strengthen our society's relations with buy-side professionals and foster collaborative initiatives to enhance the value we provide to our members.

With Spring Insights at various firms (HSBC and Deutsche Bank) this year, as well as being the Relations Manager of Imperial Women in Business (organised a buy-side panel), I am able to utilise my network to provide more opportunities for the society as Head of Buy-Side Corporate Relations.

I hope to help members and the overall society by:

1. Organising more panel talks and networking events with a variety of top firms (hedge funds, private equity, VCs, real estate, asset managers, bulge brackets).

2. Bringing in valuable buy-side firm sponsors and faculty members of Imperial Business School (eg. those involved in the Investment & Wealth Management course) to organise exclusive workshops aimed at helping our members break into asset management.

3. Leveraging and expanding connections with alumni in buy-side and external diversity-focused career organisations such as GAIN (Girls are Investors), to support our members’ internship applications.

These events are instrumental to helping our members enter and excel in a buy-side career. Thus, I prioritise expanding collaborations with more firms, increasing event frequency, and diversifying the specialties that we offer.

Thank you !