Photo of Sophie Ma

Sophie Ma

Medical Education: Early Years Coordinator

Hi everyone!

My name is Sophie and I'm the current Phase 1a BRS Crash Course Lead for MedED. Since watching MedED's lectures since year 1 and eventually organising a team of 20 lecturers and becoming responsible for organising the crash course itself, I have learned to truly ppreciate the contribution MedED makes to the medical school as a whole.

I would love the opportunity to continue to contribute to the society as Early Years Coordinator, as I feel my previous experience with the crash course is crucial to my vision for MedED. Having had experience this year with interviewing and recruiting lecturers, I feel as if I am in a good position to advise the Crash Course Leads with running throughout the year and continuing to increase engagement with the crash course. In addition, the popularity of CSI tutorials for Phase 1a means that I would like to continue and improve the series so that the first and second years can conitnue to benefit from MedED.

Thank you for reading and I'd really appreciate your vote!