Photo of Hannah Seo

Hannah Seo

Medical Education: Early Years Coordinator

Hello everyone,

My name is Hannah and I am currently a second year medic running to be an early years coordinator for MedEd next year.

My friend told me that he thinks that I 'don't have the popularity' to win this role, which is probably true, however, through this short manifesto I would like the opportunity to earn your vote and maybe prove this point wrong despite my small friendship circle.

Here are some of my ideas on what I would like to achieve in this role:

  1. Complete & comprehensive, up-to-date CSI notes on the cases (especially as I know how useful these can be)
  2. More out of the curriculum opportunities to grow and develop interest and help build portfolios from an early stage through doing things that you enjoy and are interested in
  3. Further work on providing more exam-style questions and mock papers
  4. Continue to provide teaching on Phase 1a and 1b content, listening to feedback on what people would like more of/what methods are particularly effective

Having previously been involved in organising various lecture series for secondary students and with extensive experience teaching (both 1-2-1 and groups) and preparing teaching content for concise and effective learning, as your early years coordinator, I would be able to clearly structure the year to provide materials and content which is useful and time-efficient for phase 1 students.

Thank you for reading my manifesto and I hope that I can earn your vote :)