Photo of Tanya Jayakar

Tanya Jayakar

Medical Education: Early Years Coordinator

Hi I'm Tanya and I've been really passionate about meded since first year after Meded tutorials saved my exams.

I would love if you would consider me for Meded early years coordinator - I feel that I would be able to contribute to this role as I have lots of experience teaching, volunteering and organising courses. This year, I have delivered 7 lectures so far with MM, Meded, PotMed and Pharmsoc for both 1st and 2nd years on topics ranging from Dev&Ageing to structural heart diseases. I love to teach and in my 2nd year I helped organise and promote radiology soc tutorials and this year I am a Meded PassPom crash course lead where we will organise POM tutorials for 1st years. As early years coordinator I would be more than happy to support BRS/POM crashcourse leads and also support all members of Meded society. I am hardworking and have learnt how to better manage my time as I am on committee for 8 different CSPs this year! I have also participated in the meded SSC as part of 3rd years student selected component which has helped improve my teaching, teamwork and leadership skills. As early years coordinator I would try my level best to ensure the delivery of tutorials to early years remians at a very high standard, maintains mededs incredible reputation and is adapted to your needs based on feedback.

I hope to be a good coordinator and that you'll vote for me. Thank you! :)