Photo of Emma Marchong

Emma Marchong

Medical Education: Early Years Coordinator

Hiya! I'm Emma, a current third-year, and I'm running to be your MedEd Early Year’s Co-ordinator.

If elected my main aims would be:

  • Introducing drop-in revision ‘clinics’

Online or in person sessions, supervised by an older year, focussing on a specific specialty: allowing the mix of independent or group study with the opportunity to be taught.

  • Introducing more representative LMAP 1b mocks

To better emulate the difficulty of the last LMAP exam.

  • Support and education for portfolio building and external opportunities

As information is never formally given by faculty on how to maximise your time at medical school.

I have delivered multiple MedEd BRS crash course lectures for phase 1a and 1b (2022-23 and 2023-24), receiving very positive feedback, and I am one of the current authors of the new LMAP MedEd notes, under the direction of Chirag and Paras. My previous experience will enable me to identify and prioritise your needs for the upcoming exam season. Other experience includes anatomy and CPA lecturing with JAS.

Through my personal experience and skills, I endeavor to make your exam period as smooth as possible experience, so you can enjoy your summer!

Thank you so much and any questions, drop me an email at
