Dodgeball: Women's 1st Team Captain


Gabrielle Boyer

Hello fellow dodgeballers, The close-minded will wonder why I’m running for women's 1s captaincy,having never been on their team,but I shall correct you now: I have played on the women's 1s in opens ie. when they were scared of lacking skills and squad dept, they called me to the rescue. The dodgeball club has been disrespecting me for the last two years,getting my name wrong in team sheets,nearly forgetting ...

Sabrina Radzik-Rahman

Sabrina's Manifesto: Womens 1s last year - won everything Womens 1s this year - lost to Lincon in the Nottingham open, when I wasn't there. Came second and first in the first and second London opens, when I was there. So, I must conclude that I am super good. I don't care about winning, I care about annhilating. I am commited to head shotting every team on a quick start, to assert dominance, and flexing after ...