Photo of Sabrina Radzik-Rahman

Sabrina Radzik-Rahman

Dodgeball: Women's 1st Team Captain

Sabrina's Manifesto:

  • Womens 1s last year - won everything
  • Womens 1s this year - lost to Lincon in the Nottingham open, when I wasn't there. Came second and first in the first and second London opens, when I was there. So, I must conclude that I am super good.

I don't care about winning, I care about annhilating. I am commited to head shotting every team on a quick start, to assert dominance, and flexing after each hit.

On the court I will provide:

  1. Good vibes
  2. Shouting at Killai
  3. Winning

Off the court I will:

  1. Chase everyone to come to training
  2. Do lots of super hard super fun drills
  3. Drink a lot - have to stay hydrated

My special skills:

  1. Not being able to aim
  2. Not being able to catch
  3. Not being able to dodge

Womens 1s future:

  • lots of losing - if Sabrina isn't captain
  • lots of winning - if Sabrina is captain


  • vote for me (Sabrina Radzik-Rahman) if you want the women to dominate next year.