Photo of Shalini Sellam

Shalini Sellam

Bio Engineering: Academic & Technical Events Coordinator

Hello everyone!

My name is Shalini, I’m a 2nd year MBE student, and I’m excited to be running for Academic Events Officer this year. Needless to say, our degrees are not easy, and it can get overwhelming with the amount of academic skills that we're expected to know. I think the best way to work on these skills is through interesting and social workshops and events. As officer, I hope to:

  • Continue the smooth running of the brilliant existing academic events

  • Take suggestions from all of you, via regular surveys, on what kind of skills you want to be familiar with

  • Reach out to more academics, so you can hear more about job and academia opportunities, and improve your networking skills

  • Create a Bioengineering Student’s Colloquium. Every week or so, you can apply to give a short talk to your fellow students on anything you want - maybe a research topic, or a project you have been working on. Students and faculty from all departments will be encouraged to come and listen! It’s a really nice way to support your friends, and learning from each other in a social atmosphere, hopefully with some free food and drink, is a nice, easy way to take the stress off your academic life.

I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you, and hopefully working with you on what kind of academic events you would like to get involved in! Drop me a vote if this sounds good :)))