Photo of Celine Shen

Celine Shen

Women in Business: Head of Events/Sponsorship

Hi! My name is Celine, and I am a 2nd-year Chemistry student.

I am applying for the position of Head of Events because the aim of the ICWIB society aligns closely with mine. I strive to unite women with shared goals, fostering long-lasting friendships and mutual success.

Specifically, my goal is to create a safe space for women's growth. Upon seeking advice from numerous successful women, the unanimous response was 'Be confident.' However, the lack of female representation in many business sectors hinders women's confidence. Thanks to ICWIB, I found a community of supportive businesswomen, which constantly encourages me to remain steadfast and pursue my goals.

Empowered by ICWIB, I aim to inspire others through events, helping them succeed both professionally and personally.

Event Goals:

1. Maintain alumni panels, inviting women speakers from various industry sectors in both senior and junior roles.
2. Organize CV, cover letter, and online assessment workshops.
3. Work with ICBS and other business schools' recruitment teams to offer insights into Master's applications.
4. Further develop the mentorship program.
5. Introduce innovative ideas for non-career/social events, e.g., monthly lunches, crochet/baking sessions, kitten/puppy yoga, vintage shopping crawls, etc.
6. Regularly analyze event feedback to enhance future endeavors.

As a STEM woman transitioning into Business, I recognize the information and support women need to succeed, and I am committed to providing them with my full support. With my creativity, organizational and communication skills, and practical mindset, I believe I will be a responsible Head of Events.

Thank you for reading my manifesto! :)