Photo of Ell Loukily

Ell Loukily

Endocrinology: Co-President

Hello, I'm Ell Loukily, a fourth-year Endocrinology BSc student, and I'm running for Co-President of Endocrinology Society! I have a strong passion for reproductive endocrinology and my BSc in endocrinology has given me the opportunity to collaborate with numerous researchers in this field. My project with the Imperial Kisspeptin team, renowned for their research in IVF treatment, has allowed me to build connections with leading researchers in this field which could be invaluable for future conferences.

As president of Endo soc I would like to broaden the impact of the society by increasing the events for students interested in endocrinology. This includes speaker events, particularly in how to pursue a career in Endocrinology. Additionally I aim to continue building on the annual conference by offering engaging speaker events and parctical workshops. Furthermore, I would like to increase the academic support for the younger years and future Endo BSc students by implementing a potential buddying scheme to aid with ICAs.

Interning at a general practice automation startup provided me with leadership skills and insights into effective team management. Many of the skills I acquired here are transferable to the role of Endocrinology society President. I hope to have the oppertunity to join the comittee and help work to achieve great things!