Photo of Victoria Walker Guerrero

Victoria Walker Guerrero

Women in Business: Vice President

Hi everyone! I’m Vicky Walker, a 2nd year BioEng student running for Vice-President of Women in Business.

As the gender divide remains a pertinent issue in the workplace, especially in the business sector, we evidently need to pour more effort into empowering women. This starts with fostering a safe and open environment in which women can cultivate the skills and confidence needed to succeed in their careers. I am certain I can make Women In Business this space.

As Vice-president, I aim to:

  1. Amplify members’ awareness of business-related careers. By organising panels with pioneering women in the industry, running workshops on application tips and interview skills, and hosting informative sessions on topics ranging from consulting internships to spring weeks, I hope to enhance members’ commercial awareness and help them flourish in their career pursuits.
  2. Solidify and expand the society’s relationships with our partners and other societies. I intend to rigorously upkeep our current partnerships with top companies such as Lazard, JP Morgan, UBS, and Jane Street to further expose members to these firms and facilitate networking with them. I hope to both form new valuable partnerships with other industry leads and collaborate with other corporate focused imperial societies to provide the most robust opportunities possible.
  3. Uphold and develop Women in Business’ community. This will be achieved by: arranging gatherings with current members and alumni, such as coffee chats or networking events, strengthening the Mentorship scheme already in place, and organising fun social events.

Looking forward to working with you all:)