Women in Business: Vice President


Victoria Walker Guerrero

Hi everyone! I’m Vicky Walker, a 2nd year BioEng student running for Vice-President of Women in Business. As the gender divide remains a pertinent issue in the workplace, especially in the business sector, we evidently need to pour more effort into empowering women. This starts with fostering a safe and open environment in which women can cultivate the skills and confidence needed to succeed in their careers. ...

Lizzie Sparling

I'm really excited to stand as a candidate for Vice President. This society has been one of my favourite parts of Imperial- the energy, the support, and the endless opportunities to learn from each other are what make it truly special. I would be thrilled to be able to give back to this awesome group of women. I thrive on building connections – from chatting with other students to forging partnerships with fi ...

Cristina De Luna

Hello!! My name is Cristina, and I am currently a third-year Medical Biosciences with Management student. Over the past academic year, I have had the privilege of serving as the ICWB Head of Marketing. This experience has allowed me to engage with a diverse group of women who share a common interest in business, and I have loved it! Therefore, I am excited to run for ICWB Vice President for the 2024-2025 academic ye ...

Sophie Hoo

Hi! I’m Sophie, a second year Chemistry student, running to be your Vice President of Women in Business! As the current Internal/Alumni Relations manager, I am excited to continue empowering and bringing together all the aspiring women of Imperial and the business world. My goal is to support our members’ career journey and foster a close-knit environment, where us women students can confidently work tow ...