Photo of Judy Huang

Judy Huang

Basketball: Women's 2nd Team Captain


I am Judy, and together with Urvi, we are running as co-captains of the Women’s Second Basketball Team for the 2024-2025 season. Having both been a part of the team for the past 3 years, we’ve had loads of fun balling and bantering with this bunch (bantering hopefully stays off court haha). As we come into our last year, we’re really sincere about giving back to the team that has become a second home for us.

We believe that strong camaraderie forms the basis of a good basketball team, because mutual trust and understanding builds chemistry, which is invaluable on the court. We’re committed towards creating a warm and inclusive environment on and off court so we can all get to know each other. We’ll also encourage the participation of every single team member in trainings and in games – we love basketball and want to make sure everyone gets to enjoy it too! :)

Feel free to approach us for anything! We’re not as scary as Judy’s poker face suggests (grrrr). Looking forward to loads of great memories together next season!

Thanks all,
