Basketball: Women's 2nd Team Captain


Urvi Nath

Hello! I am Urvi, and together with Judy, we are running as co-captains of the Women’s Second Basketball Team for the 2024-2025 season. Having both been a part of the team for the past 3 years, we’ve had loads of fun balling and bantering with this bunch (bantering hopefully stays off court haha). As we come into our last year at uni, we’re really sincere about giving back to the team that has beco ...

Judy Huang

Hello! I am Judy, and together with Urvi, we are running as co-captains of the Women’s Second Basketball Team for the 2024-2025 season. Having both been a part of the team for the past 3 years, we’ve had loads of fun balling and bantering with this bunch (bantering hopefully stays off court haha). As we come into our last year, we’re really sincere about giving back to the team that has become a se ...