Japanese: Social Secretary


Ryo Kusakari

はじめまして!I’m Ryo Kusakari, a first year BMB student, and I’d love to be considered for the social secretary position in JapSoc next year. Before anything else, I believe what makes Japsoc so great is the community it fosters. Japsoc was the first society to reach out to me after joining imperial, and through the many social events the society has offered, I have made some of my closest friends both ...

Isa Hamamoto

Hi everyone, I’m Isa Hamamoto! I’m a first-year Biological Sciences student running for the position of Social Secretary. Throughout this year, I’ve had the pleasure of creating wonderful memories with the members of society, meeting amazing people, and connecting through Japanese cultures. Now, I am eager to contribute back to the community by organizing memorable events and fostering an inclusive ...