Photo of Isa Hamamoto

Isa Hamamoto

Japanese: Social Secretary

Hi everyone, I’m Isa Hamamoto! I’m a first-year Biological Sciences student running for the position of Social Secretary. Throughout this year, I’ve had the pleasure of creating wonderful memories with the members of society, meeting amazing people, and connecting through Japanese cultures. Now, I am eager to contribute back to the community by organizing memorable events and fostering an inclusive and lively atmosphere.

I believe I am well-suited for this position due to my previous role as an Event Coordinator and my experience of managing an Instagram account for a scientific organization back in Japan. These experiences have helped me hone my skills in social media management, event planning, and community engagement.

Moreover, I have always found great joy in coming up with creative ideas and imagining experiences that bring people together. Leading our society's social activities aligns with my creative personality, and I am passionate about translating these ideas into reality for our Japanese society community.

I would also love to plan events where we society members could all gather and cooperate with each other to make up something together as a whole. For example, big production events like a performance show could be an excellent opportunity to become close with the society members, make wonderful memories, and a sense of achievement as a society.

If elected, I am committed to bring fresh perspectives to our society. Thank you for considering me for this role and I am excited to organize engaging events for all members of the community!