Photo of Ryo Kusakari

Ryo Kusakari

Japanese: Social Secretary

はじめまして!I’m Ryo Kusakari, a first year BMB student, and I’d love to be considered for the social secretary position in JapSoc next year.

Before anything else, I believe what makes Japsoc so great is the community it fosters. Japsoc was the first society to reach out to me after joining imperial, and through the many social events the society has offered, I have made some of my closest friends both within and outside imperial. I hope to continue this legacy, by bringing the Japanese community in London even closer - thorugh helping to organise and promote events, as well as outreach to other universities.

Why should you choose me for this role? Firstly, I love getting out to meet new people. Not only have I had experience in organising and promoting my own social events thorughout the first two terms at imperial, but the connections I have made along the way are sure to benefit the society - by allowing smooth communication with outside parties, including societies at other universities. On another note, I also have an EPQ in digital illustration, on top of plentiful experience producing graphics, slides and posters; I will strive to improve Japsoc's social media presence through designing promotional art, which I hope will bring greater awareness and bring more people into our thriving community.

I'm so excited to be a part of Japsoc, and I hope to make the next year even more exciting for both our current members and our newcomers. 一緒にジャパソをさらに盛り上げていきましょう!

- 草刈嶺太郎