Photo of Anusha Ashwin

Anusha Ashwin

Indian: Artistic Director (Music)

Hey guys! I’m Anusha :) I’m in second year and have been a part of EMW Music for the last two years, being selected for singing in both years, and as one of your Music Choreos this year. As a trained classical (Carnatic) singer, I have experience and technical music knowledge, which has helped this year as I have co-choreographed a music act (Ishq!!). I have really enjoyed this – it’s so nice to contribute to a show that everyone is so passionate about and have fun while doing it, as an important thing to remember is that EMW Music is a platform for anyone who truly loves music to be able to showcase their talent in a welcoming space.

Being part of EMW the last two years has allowed me to understand how the behind-the-scenes organization works, both with the show as a whole and how music really fits into it, from booking rehearsal rooms to how the technical equipment should be set up and how the songs themselves flow in an act – music is a huge part of EMW and I would love to be able to contribute on a larger scale. Next year, I want to make the music scene more diverse, incorporating more languages, so everyone feels like a part of them is truly represented, as well as further integrating the music into dance, drama and fashion so that the show flows even better than it already does. Vote me for Music AD!! (please) <3