Photo of Kaushal Kumar

Kaushal Kumar

Indian: Artistic Director (Music)

Hello, I'm Kaushal, I'm a second year Mechanical Engineering student and I'm excited to run for the position of Music AD next year. I've really enjoyed performing in EMW over the last two years, especially this year when I had the opportunity to be a choreo for one of the acts! I have always loved making mashups of songs, which made EMW music a perfect match for me. Performing is definitely my favourite part of being a musician, and I think that everyone who has any sort of musical ability should be able to celebrate that talent and put it on display! My interest in music began with flute lessons aged 4, from which I went on to get a Diploma in Performance for flute and Grade 8 in piano. I also explored music production, with sound engineering and mixing to make some songs and help my brother with his album (Detox - Suki on Spotify if u wanna hear it - shameless plug). I would love to get further involved in EMW and I'm really excited about the idea of being Music AD next year. If I am voted, my main aim is to make emw music bigger and better, giving more people of all abilities a chance to develop their skills and display their talent, with the idea of showcasing music genres from all over the world!

Thank you for considering me for this role!