Photo of Meg Welby

Meg Welby

Netball (RSM): Team Vice-Captain

This season, I was the internal social secretary for the team. This role gave me a great insight into the role of the committee and has been a large motivation for wanting to get even more involved in the team this coming season. Not only that, but my adoration of this team has skyrocketed this year, especially seeing lots of our players smashing Bottle match this year. It would truly be an honour to be a vice for you all.

Being a vice means being an approachable member of a team who will take on board feedback and requests from the team, and incorporating it into training plans, which is something I believe I am fully capable of. A VC needs to be dedicated and present, which is a drive behind my motivation to get as involved as I can this coming year, and being someone the team can fully rely on. Although it’s a big step up from being a social sec, it’s an opportunity I’d take with open arms.

My main plans being your vice would be to tailor training to work out any areas of necessary improvement, and elevate the individual and team skill and fitness to a level where we can conquer our division, continuing the momentous improvement we have seen from the team this season. This team is capable of so much, and I would love to be a driving force behind the skill improvement of everyone.