Photo of Prachur Khandelwal

Prachur Khandelwal

Paediatrics: Play Coordinator

From the start of this year, I have gotten the amazing opportunity to volunteer with play teams, which I have found to be a great opportunity to relieve stress while also contributing to making both a child’s and parent’s day better. I have always been interested in going into paediatrics, and being on committee would take me one step closer to doing so.

As play coordinator, I plan to actively collaborate with other committee members, such as the play team chairs, to identify what equipment is required to improve volunteer and child interactions. I believe that I would be able to do this due to the teamwork skills I have developed by being a part of several organisational teams. These experiences have taught me that teamwork requires effective communication and conflict-resolution skills and helped me develop these as well. These communication skills are also essential in communicating and maintaining good relations with third-party organisations.

Furthermore, I also plan to draw from my logistical experiences as a finance officer for Student Mediad London to help secure the required equipment. The financial acumen I have developed would allowed me to balance the financial needs with the practical needs, to achieve the best possible solution. In conclusion, I am extremely passionate about this society, and through past experiences, I have developed the required communication, collaborative, organisational, logistical and leadership skills required to excel in my role as play coordinator. Thus, I hope I have your vote in the elections!