Photo of Sharon Anand

Sharon Anand

Paediatrics: Play Coordinator

Hi! My name is Sharon, and I would love to be Play Coordinator next year!

I’m a 3rd year Medical Student, and I joined ICSM Paediatrics PlayTeam as a volunteer. This year, I applied to be a Leader, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. Together with my Co-Leader, we have ensured that our Volunteers are adequately prepared for sessions, and supported in any issues that might arise. In turn, they have felt comfortable and enthusiastic about playing with the children on the wards. With PlayTeam, I have honed my ability to adapt to situations, creatively solve problems, and developed my organisational skills. I believe these competencies will make me more than capable of taking on the role of Play Coordinator next year.

Being part of PlayTeam has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Sometimes, seeing how unwell children are has proven difficult. However, it has been a great joy to meet them and their families in these times, and help bring a sense of fun and normality into their lives.

As Play Coordinator, I would work closely with the PlayTeam Chairs and Volunteers to take suggestions on a range of useful toys, games and crafts. I will reorder and catalogue the contents of the PlayTeam cupboard, and categorise appropriately. There are many neurodivergent children on the wards so, I am aiming to secure sensory based toys and provide ideas on what kind of games neurodivergent children would enjoy.

In this role, I hope to contribute to the fantastic work of PlayTeam.