Pathology: President


Jeong Yoon

(Running with Allis Lai) We’re Joy and Allis, two third-year medics with a strong interest in pathology and the current co-presidents of PathSoc. In our limited time on committee this year, we have organised two career talks and are currently organising our first social - a museum visit in collaboration with UCL, as well as the annual crashcourse for 5th years. Building on this, we have a lot more plans w ...

Allis Lai

(Running with Joy Yoon) We’re Joy and Allis, two third-year medics with a strong interest in pathology and the current co-presidents of PathSoc. In our limited time on committee this year, we have organised two career talks and are currently organising our first social - a museum visit in collaboration with UCL, as well as the annual crashcourse for 5th years. Building on this, we have a lot more plans we wa ...