Photo of Jeong Yoon

Jeong Yoon

Pathology: President

(Running with Allis Lai)

We’re Joy and Allis, two third-year medics with a strong interest in pathology and the current co-presidents of PathSoc. In our limited time on committee this year, we have organised two career talks and are currently organising our first social - a museum visit in collaboration with UCL, as well as the annual crashcourse for 5th years.

Building on this, we have a lot more plans we want to implement in the next year:

  • Collaboration with Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath) and other undergraduate pathology societies to organise a series of career talks covering the different subspecialties within pathology
  • Inter-uni Pathology Conference in collaboration with other London undergraduate pathology societies in Autumn term
  • Pathology Crash Course for 5th year students - continuing the key event of PathSoc.
  • Revision sessions for Biomedical Sciences students
  • Quiz night social / Potential intra-uni conference on Pathology, in collaboration with other academic societies - HaemSoc, ImmunoSoc, Infectious Diseases Soc, Biomedical Sciences Soc etc.
  • ⁠Continuation of Pathology museum visits - Gordon Museum, Huntarian Museum, Imperial Pathology museum
  • Organise post-mortem viewing visits
  • Anatomy drawing sessions at Imperial Pathology Museum
  • Journal club
  • Potential sponsorship from the RCPath and the Pathological Society
  • Continue the weekly SBAs / VSAQs series on Instagram

With our experiences and connections from this year, as well as previous experiences of organising events, socials and working with the Union, we believe we have the skills and initiative to make pathology more accessible and exciting for us all. Please vote for us!