Photo of Lesly Aju

Lesly Aju

Acute Care Specialities : President


My Name is Lesly and I will be running for president this year!

I have been on the Acute Care specialties society for the past 3 years and have been on comittee for the past 2.

This society has a special place in my heart, it has has taught me many skills and I really appreciate my time here. I would love to be the president to further support commitee members but also to help the society grow so that more people can learn about the acute care specialities.

Not only does my experience on the commitee make me a good candidate, but I am also doing the anaesthetics and critical care Bsc which has helped me gain more knowledgde regardining these specialties. I would love to share this passion for the specialties by organising teaching series, conferences and events throughout the year.

I hope you consider me for this role, and I hope to help others learn more about the acute care specialites!