Acute Care Specialities : President


Lesly Aju

Hello, My Name is Lesly and I will be running for president this year! I have been on the Acute Care specialties society for the past 3 years and have been on comittee for the past 2. This society has a special place in my heart, it has has taught me many skills and I really appreciate my time here. I would love to be the president to further support commitee members but also to help the society grow so that m ...

Hafsa Waseem

Hi everyone, I'm Hafsa and I'm running for co-pres with Lesly! I'm interested in acute care specialties, especially emergency medicine. My experiences on placement in Anaesthetics, Acute Medical Unit and ED have been exciting and solidified my intention to pursue a career in this field. I hope to increase engagement with ACS in younger years who may not be familiar with the specialties before you get exposure in 5th ...