Photo of Keane Liu

Keane Liu

Immunology: Secretary

Firstly, I aim to supervise the expansion of the BMB tutorial series. With the successful implementation of tutorials relevant to second-year modules of the Medical Biosciences course - including Cardiac and Thoracic Biology and Immunology - the logical next step would be to expand into tutorials for first-year modules. Recognising first years’ need to acclimatise to the BMB course’s approaches to teaching and learning, prioritising tutorials for first-year students would aptly provide them with the foundation they need to excel. Accordingly, I hold that understanding is the basis of success, and logical approaches will be emphasised. In addition to module-based tutorials, learning skills tutorials could be shared by BMB students in other years, all in an unpretentious environment. As a current member of Immunosoc’s BMB subcommittee, I have developed a hands-on perspective of devising such tutorials, preparing me for the future.

Notwithstanding, I’d also like to prioritise events fundamentally rooted in immunology in conjunction with expanding our reach to those unfamiliar with immunology. Our brand-new conference promises an exciting intersection of research, talks from leading scientists, and innovative workshops - I will be wholly devoted to the annual continuation and persistent expansion of the conference, perhaps by expanding our talks and connections with academics from other institutions. Introductory-level talks, alongside transdisciplinary initiatives, could be incorporated in the future to enhance accessibility, placing immunology in diverse contexts. This would evidently enrich the range of perspectives offered to attendees with an evidently translational mindset to pertinent topics.