Photo of Rucha Potdukhe

Rucha Potdukhe

Women in SET: Junior Treasurer

Hi! I'm Rucha, a first year Medical Biosciences with Management student. Having attended numerous women in SET events as a member, I would love to be able to get involved on a committee level to help others learn more about careers within science, engineering and technology. Being a Feminist society leader at my old school, I am passionate about getting more women into male-dominated career areas like STEM. Furthermore, as somebody who has organised International Women’s Day concerts (including donations received) in the past and is currently running her own business, I have developed a good eye for budgeting and managing people as well as systems. Running a business has also taught me how to have good organisational skills and manage my time efficiently as to not miss any details as well as develop my communication skills.

My goal as Junior treasurer would be to:

  1. Assist with optimising budgets to provide the best possible experience for all of our members
  2. Reach out to sponsors to help increase the society’s budget and bring in more exclusive opportunities for our members
  3. Assist with payment and donation tracking as well as event planning

Thank you for your time and I look forward to (hopefully) meeting you soon!