Photo of Sarah Darwich

Sarah Darwich

Women in SET: Junior Treasurer

Hi! I’m Sarah and I am a 1st year Physics student. Throughout this year, I have loved attending many of the events put on by WSET, from the talks and networking sessions to the socials, and so I would love to contribute in an impactful way next year and feel the Junior Treasurer role is a good fit for me.

One of the most invaluable aspects of the WSET society is creating opportunities for exposure to so many companies at events that cost a fraction of the price they should, compared to other external networking events and socials. This accessibility for WSET members is something I really value and so if I were elected I would like to help manage balancing the books to ensure fantastic events like these can always be affordable, as such unprecedented access for women to these industries is incredibly important.

I have experience managing the logistics behind events during my role as Physics Captain at school, where it was essential to consider the cost of running competitions and events for younger students at school, as well as my work on the Leavers’ Committee, and through these two roles I have enjoyed building my leadership skills in a team and so would love the opportunity to build on this with a great group of fellow women on WSET Committee!