Photo of Bharneedharan Surendaran

Bharneedharan Surendaran

Vision: President

Hello, I am Bharneedharan and I will be running for the position of Vision President. I hope I can convince you to vote for me.

I am currently the Vision Recruitment officer. I had the chance to help in several of the main events at vision over this year and this has helped me understand how these events run operationally and what the students want from the events. My main responsibility over the last years was to help recruit tutors for all our events and help with the organisation of where the tutors who go on these days.

I have previously been a tutor for the Junior vision conference and for over 3 years been an In2Medschool mentor. These experiences on top being recruitment officer have further my realised how important widening access to medicine is and how fun it is to help people apply to medicine. Also, these experiences have further helped me with my teamworking skills through working with different societies and how to organise these event.

I would like to carry on the collaboration with national societies like In2Medschool for our flag ship events. Also, I would like to try to collaborate with WAATCH for our future conferences as well. If you elect me, I will do my upmost best to carry on running all of vision flag ship events and to try improving these events year on year. Thank you for reading my manifesto and please vote for me.