Photo of Zara Edwards

Zara Edwards

Vision: President


I’m Zara, a current 3rd Year Medic and I am running for the position of Vision Co-President with Kiana!

As entry into Med school is becoming increasingly challenging; some students are in desperate need of support, motivation and encouragement, which they may not get at school. This is why ICSM Vision is an absolutely essential society.

Over the last year, Kiana and I have found ourselves getting heavily involved in society; from attending and assisting in all of Vision’s conferences, to being engaged in the weekly Dr Me programme; we genuinely love everything Vision has to offer and have taken the time to immerse our selves in the society.

We have very clearly noticed the value ICSM Vision adds to everyone involved. From the hugely positive feedback received from students we work with, to the smiles on students faces, we know Vision is a huge success and thrives on being an uplifting, supportive community - one which Kiana and I would be honoured to lead.

Collectively, we have a plethora of leadership, as well as teaching experience. Also, we have a whole host of ideas to bring forward to the society, one being to implement a Clinical Work Experience programme - aimed at potential medics who were unable to to source work experience on their own, as I know from personal experience, it can be extremely challenging.

I hope we have convinced you that Kiana and I would make great Presidents for Vision, and thank you for reading this manifesto :)